Raketech US Inc. Privacy and Cookies Policy

At Raketech (“Raketech”, “we”, “us”), we process personal data about our customers and visitors on our websites (“you”). We make efforts to handle your personal data with care, keep it secure and comply with data protection laws.

PACasinoRewards.com (“Website”) is a part of Raketech US Incorporated, which is engaged in lead generation for online content publishing, regarding financial information and iGaming services. Raketech US Inc. has its headquarters in Naperville, Illinois; with subsidiaries in several countries worldwide.

Privacy Policy

  1. Who is responsible for looking after your personal data? Raketech US Inc. (an Authorized, Certified and Registered Gaming Service Provider under the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board) having its registered address 263 Shuman Boulevard, Suite 145, Naperville, Illinois 60563; is responsible for looking after your personal data. You should be aware that although we are principally responsible for looking after your personal data, information may be held in databases which can be accessed by third parties. When accessing your personal data, all third parties will comply with the standards set out in this Policy.
  2. What personal data do we process? We may process the following personal data about you:
    • Name
    • Data of birth
    • Email address
    • Password
    • IP address
    • Location data
    • Website usage
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Occupation
    • Personal preferences and opinions 
  3. What do we use your personal data for and when do we process your personal data? Raketech US Inc. will collect information directly from you when you use our services or visit our websites. We use your personal data to:
    • send out promotional emails relating to products and services. See also Section 6 below on Direct marketing.
    • analyze information in our systems and databases to improve the way we run our business and websites according to user preferences, to provide a better service and user experience.
    • Improve and target advertisements that you receive from us.
    • register you for a chat forum or community, if we make available, in which you can provide comments.
    • meet or exercise any of our legal obligations or rights 
  4. Who do we share your personal data with? We work with many third parties, to help manage our business and deliver services, and Raketech US Inc. will disclose personal data to those third parties under the following circumstances:
    • Marketing Communications. Unless users opt-out from receiving Raketech US Inc. marketing materials upon registration, Raketech US Inc. may email users about products and services that Raketech US Inc. believes may be of interest to them. If you wish to opt-out of receiving marketing materials from Raketech US Inc. you may do so by following the unsubscribe link in the email communications, by going to your account settings (if applicable) or contacting us using the contact information below.
    • Third-Party Service Providers. We may share your personal data, which may include your name and contact information (including email address) with our authorized service providers that perform certain services on our behalf. These services may include fulfilling orders, providing customer service and marketing assistance, performing business and sales analysis, supporting PACasinoRewards.com functionality and supporting contests, sweepstakes, surveys and other features offered through PACasinoRewards.com. We may also share your n personal data with our authorized service providers who process credit card payments. These service providers may have access to personal information needed to perform their functions but are not permitted to share or use such information for any other purpose.
    • Affiliates in the Raketech US Inc. group: With Raketech US Inc. or any of its directly or indirectly owned or controlled affiliates in the Raketech US Inc. group. Transfers of personal data will be subject to Raketech US Inc. intra-group data transfer agreements. We may also disclose your personal data under the additional circumstances below:
    • Required By Law or to Protect Rights. When we believe disclosure is appropriate, we may disclose Personally-Identifying Information in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud or other wrongdoing; to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of Raketech US Inc., our users, our employees or others; to comply with applicable law or cooperate with law enforcement; to enforce our Terms of Use or other agreements or policies, in response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, a court order or a request for cooperation from a law enforcement or other government agency; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases, we may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.
    • Business Transfers; Bankruptcy. Raketech US Inc. reserves the right to transfer all Personally Identifying Information in its possession to a successor organization in the event of a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or other sale of all or a portion of Raketech US Inc.’s assets. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred Personally-Identifying Information will be subject to this Privacy Policy, or to a new privacy policy if you are given notice of that new privacy policy and are given an opportunity to affirmatively opt- out of it. Personally-Identifying Information submitted or collected after a transfer, however, may be subject to a new privacy policy adopted by the successor organization. 
  5. Security. We take the security of your personal data seriously and use reasonable electronic, personnel and physical measures to protect it from loss, theft, alteration or misuse. However, please be advised that even the best security measures cannot fully eliminate all risks. We cannot guarantee that only authorized persons will view your information. We are not responsible for third-party circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures. We are dedicated to protect all information on PACasinoRewards.com as is necessary.
  6. Privacy policy changes. Raketech US Inc. may, in its sole discretion, change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any and all changes to Raketech US Inc’s Privacy Policy will be reflected on this page and the date new versions are posted will be stated at the top of this Privacy Policy. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. Users should regularly check this page for any changes to this Privacy Policy. Raketech US Inc. will always post new versions of the Privacy Policy on PACasinoRewards.com. However, Raketech US Inc. may, as determined in its discretion, decide to notify users of changes made to this Privacy Policy via email or otherwise. Accordingly, it is important that users always maintain and update their contact information.
  7. Children. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) protects the online privacy of children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect or maintain Personally-Identifying Information from anyone under the age of 13, unless or except as permitted by law. Any person who provides personal data through PACasinoRewards.com represents to us that he or she is 13 years of age or older. If we learn personal data has been collected from a user under 13 years of age on or through PACasinoRewards.com, then we will take the appropriate steps to cause this information to be deleted.
  8. California privacy rights. California Civil Code Section 1798.83, also known as the “Shine The Light” law, permits our users who are California residents to request and obtain from us, once a year and free of charge, information about personal data (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. If applicable, this information would include a list of the categories of the personal data that was shared and the names and addresses of all third parties with which we shared personal data in the immediately preceding calendar year. If you are a California resident and would like to make such a request, please submit your request in writing to our privacy team as listed below.
  9. Do-Not-Track Policy. Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems include a Do-Not-Track (“DNT”) feature or setting you can activate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your online browsing activities monitored and collected. Because there is not yet a common understanding of how to interpret the DNT signal, PACasinoRewards.com currently does not respond to DNT browser signals or mechanisms.
  10. How long do we keep your personal data? We will retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes listed in Section 3 of this Policy. In some circumstances we keep your personal data during a certain period to meet for example legal, tax or accounting requirements. We maintain a data retention policy for personal data in our care. Where your personal data is no longer required we will ensure it is either securely deleted or made anonymous.

Cookie Policy

We use Cookies

To offer you a full range of functions when you visit PACasinoRewards.com, to recognize your preferences, and to make the use of PACasinoRewards.com more comfortable and convenient, we use “cookies.”

What are Cookies?

A cookie, pixel or similar technology is a small file or information saved on your computer or device when you visit PACasinoRewards.com. It enables PACasinoRewards.com to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

Your Options

By using PACasinoRewards.com, you agree to the use and storage of cookies on your computer or device.

You can generally view PACasinoRewards.com without cookies, but certain parts of PACasinoRewards.com may not work properly or navigating can be slower.

If you do not wish cookies to be stored on your computer or device, you can deactivate the relevant option in the system settings of your browser. You can also delete stored cookies in the system settings of your browser at any time.

More information on how to deactivate or delete cookies can be found here: https://www.aboutcookies.org/cookie-faq/. However, please keep in mind that if you do not accept any cookies this may restrict the functionality of our offerings.

Categories of Cookies

We use cookies for different purposes and with different functions.

Some cookies are:

  • necessary in technical terms (technical necessity)
  • stored and used for a certain time period (storage duration)
  • placed and stored by us or a third party (cookie provider).

Technical Necessity

Cookies that are technically:

  • Necessary: We use certain cookies because they are strictly necessary in order for PACasinoRewards.com and its functions to work properly. These cookies are automatically placed on your computer or device when you access PACasinoRewards.com or a certain function, unless you have set your browser to reject cookies.
  • Not necessary: Cookies that are not strictly necessary are placed on your computer or device to improve convenience and performance of PACasinoRewards.com or save certain settings that you have made. We also use cookies that are not strictly necessary in technical terms to get information on the frequency of use of certain areas of PACasinoRewards.com, so that we can adapt to your needs and requirements on a more targeted basis.

Storage Duration

  • Session cookies: Some cookies are only needed for the duration of your PACasinoRewards.com session, so called “session cookies”. They will be erased or become invalid as soon as you leave PACasinoRewards.com or your current session expires. Session cookies are used, for example, to retain certain information during your session.
  • Permanent cookies: Some cookies are stored for a longer period. For example, it allows to recognize you when you access PACasinoRewards.com again at a later time and access saved settings. As a result, you can access webpages faster or with greater convenience, for example that you do not need to set certain options again, such as your chosen language. Permanent cookies are automatically deleted after a predefined period.
  • Flow cookies: These cookies are used for communication between our internal servers within our company group. They are placed on your computer or device when you start navigating PACasinoRewards.com and deleted after the end of your navigation on PACasinoRewards.com. Flow cookies are given a unique identification number but does not allow us to draw any conclusions regarding the actual customer or user.

Cookie Providers

  • Provider cookies: These cookies are placed by us and are commissioned by us.
  • Third-party cookies: “Third-party cookies” are stored and used by other organizations or websites, for example Web analytics tools. External providers may also use cookies to display advertising or to integrate content from social networks, such as social plugins. For further information on Web analytics tools and measurement of reach, please see below in this cookie policy.

Use of Cookies for Web Analytics and Reach Measurement

We use Google Analytics, a Web analytics service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies to identify the frequency of use of certain areas of PACasinoRewards.com and to identify preferences. The information regarding your use of PACasinoRewards.com that is generated by the cookie (including your truncated IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Google will use this information to analyze your use of PACasinoRewards.com, compile reports on PACasinoRewards.com activity for us, and perform further services associated with PACasinoRewards.com use and Internet use. Google may also transmit this information to third parties where required by law or to the extent third parties process these data on behalf of Google.

You can deactivate Google Analytics using a browser add-on if you do not wish the website analysis to take place. You can download the add-on here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=.

This add-on stores “opt-out” information on your device that serves to match up your deactivation of Google Analytics. Please note that this kind of “opt out” only leads to the deactivation of Google Analytics for the device and browser from which the opt out was activated. In addition, you may need to reactivate it if you delete cookies from your device.